Living With Diabetes: What Causes It & Why A Nutritionist Is Needed For A Diet Plan


Have you noticed that your wounds seem to take a long time to heal? If so, there is a possibility that you have diabetes, which requires prompt medical attention so you can get on a diet to stay healthy. Below, learn how people get diabetes, as well as why hiring a nutritionist is the best thing to do after being diagnosed. What Can Cause Someone to Get Diabetes? One of the causes of diabetes is from cells not responding to the insulin that you have in your body.

11 March 2015

Can Yoga Help Put an End to Bullying Behavior?


Bullying has become a red-hot issue in recent years because of the terrible impact it can have on a victim's psychological and physical health. As many schools struggle to deal with the outcome of bullying behavior, parents and caregivers are at a loss as to how to stop their kids from bullying others. One thing that may help is to have the child or teen practice yoga on a daily basis.

9 March 2015